Tweet, tweet, tweet. I've been experimenting with Twitter: I added my name to the directory, JustTweetIt. This is a good place to find people to follow. I've added a bunch of folks to follow, thanks in part to Ruth Solie's account (I looked to see who she's following - this is kind of like Delicious ,isn't it?). Anyway, thanks, Ruth! I wanted to add LoudTweeter to post a digest of tweets to my blog, but it currently does not work with Blogger. I'd like to use Twitterfox, but cannot download anything onto the computers I use. What does my Twitter page say about me??? Probably that I'm new to tweeting - hopefully that I try to make it a worthwhile activity (I don't post totally useless stuff). Right now I'm in it for what I can get out of it, but hopefully I can add some decent content, too! I check my account every few days - and I've deleted Ashton Kutcher - CNN would be much more interesting - but Ashton will probably win his little contest anyway. This is getting too long - unlike tweets ;-)
What stage am I at? I think it would be value in interaction. What is Twitter? Sharing quick tidbits that others might be interested in!