I decided to set up accounts with both Bloglines and Google Reader. I then began adding feeds, and, after some thought, deleting them! It doesn't make sense to add feeds to everything I'm interested in because I'll never have time to look at them! If it doesn't SAVE me time, it's not worth the effort - I feel like I'm practically drowning in e-mail some days and the last thing I want is to have fifty feeds to follow! I ended up adding feeds to about a dozen 23 Things blogs, NLLN's Northern Insights, ALSC School Librarian, Shifted Librarian, CNN, and ESPN.
What do I like about RSS and newsreaders? Well, I can see what people have been posting in their 23 Things blogs quickly and easily - this is great! I enjoy reading those blogs to get ideas about how I might use 2.0 tools in our libraries and classrooms. We were warned to beware, that it could become addicting. I can't imagine myself becoming addicted, but who knows?!
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