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Thing #22 - What did I learn today?
It really doesn't take that much time? It really doesn't take that much time?? You must be kidding! I wish I had kept a log and kept track of the hours I've put in to getting these Things done. Maybe it doesn't take Jennifer Hootman much time, but it took me forever (at least it seems like it). Please don't get me wrong - I am not complaining - my time was well spent and I don't regret a minute of it. But it DOES take time. Going on to the other points mentioned: I know I can do it. I wasn't always so sure of this, but now I feel much more confident. And yes, it IS fun to use these tools. The need to stay informed seems obvious. At the public library I am routed the journal, Computers in Libraries. I'm supposed to read them and then send them on to the next person on the list. I used to look at the journal and think "this is Greek to me", but lately (since I started working on the 23 things) I've actually begun reading and enjoying the articles - there were some very good ones that dealt with the tools I was trying to learn to use! So this is one way I will stay informed. Webinars is another way I'll continue to learn. I feel fortunate to be part of NLLN and also the Lake Agassiz Regional Library because both of these organizations help keep me moving forward - sometimes being a school library media specialist (I don't have a para or even student helpers) is a pretty lonely business, and we DO need to support each other. I'll also make use of the groups I've joined - they'll help keep me connected to others in my profession and hopefully motivate me to keep developing my Web 2.0 skills.
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