Ahoy, matey! Witch Baby has been born! Yes, I played Puzzle Pirates. It took a while to download, but then I was off to some tropical island, then on a ship learning to bilge and carpent. I was better at bilging that carpenting. Would I spend much time playing this game? Nope. It's not bad, but I had a hard time reading what the other players were saying. Besides, I prefer to play by myself - I work with people all day - I'd more likely play a computer game to escape from people! But the game site was very attractive and I can imagine that it would be quite appealing to anyone who enjoys this kind of activity. At school our students aren't allowed access to games (unless staff specifically requests a game be unblocked). At the public library, this is what lots of people (especially young people) are doing on our computers. They're chatting, in MySpace, or playing online games. So it's something we need to be familiar with. If we had someone with the expertise and willingness, we could offer a gaming club for the kids - I think it would be a hit.
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